Mid Life Athlete
Mid Life Athlete
S3E9 How to train for aerobic & VO2 capacity
Aerobic and VO2 capacity training is important for mid-life athletes as aerobic capacity decreases after the age of 40 years and VO2 max decreases gradually with age. These declines can be slowed down by aerobic exercise, done correctly. The ideal training is a mix between "zone 2" training and high-intensity workouts like interval training. "Zone 2" is moderate intensity characterized by low blood lactate, controlled ventilation, and low perceived effort. This type of training facilitates a larger overall training volume and is favorable for inducing mitochondrial adaptations in slow-twitch muscle fibers. High-intensity training is also beneficial but may have different adaptations. The study by McMaster University in Canada showed that low-intensity and sprint interval training enhances mitochondrial protein content in fast-twitch type II fibers, while slow-twitch type I fibers require low-intensity training for adaptations. Training intensity is linked to adaptations to mitochondrial respiratory function, and overall, training volume is important for building mitochondrial protein, and intensity for tuning them up.
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