Mid Life Athlete
Mid Life Athlete
S3E4 Should we rethink healthcare as more prevention-as-a-service?
We've mentioned many times on this podcast the benefits of exercise on health. With significant behaviour change could we rethink healthcare as more of a prevention as a service rather than sickcare which is what we've got today. Dr Ramin Rafei thinks we can.
Jason and Greg chat to Ramin about how he came to rethink healthcare and what his interesting approach is via his start-up Unleash. Ramin is a passionate supporter of changing our view on healthcare and he has some ambitious goals.
For some accompanying reading:
- Latest blog from Unleash: https://unleash.health/unleash-blog/this-is-the-story-of-unleash
- Medium article by Ramin Rafei: https://medium.com/@drrafiei/prevention-as-a-service-a-business-model-that-will-fix-healthcare-166dad254ce5
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