Mid Life Athlete

S2E12 How your mindset can transform your life

Jason Smith & Greg Ryan Season 2 Episode 12

Greg and Jason, chat to journalist and author, David Robson. David is an award-winning science writer specialising in the extremes of the human brain, body and behaviour, who has written for The Guardian, BBC Futures,  New Scientist and the Atlantic amongst others.

David has recently been researching something known as the 'expectation effect' and his research has culminated in his book "The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life".

Listen in to find out more.

You can find out more about David via his website: https://davidrobson.me/

You can purchase the book via Amazon or any bookshop.

In the episode we also make reference to Dr Alia Crum of the Stanford University, Mind & Body Lab. You can find more info here:  https://mbl.stanford.edu/

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